An IT3(b) is a Tax Certificate received from an institution such as a bank or financial services intermediary which summarizes any interest and dividends both local and foreign that you would have earned by having money invested with one or more of these organisations.


During tax season you need to submit an income tax return (ITR12) to the South African Revenue Service (SARS) so that they can calculate your tax on your income and the tax-deductible expenses for the relevant tax assessment year.


According to SARS: You do not need to submit a return if ALL the criteria below apply to you:

  • Your total employment income/salary for the year before tax (gross income) was not more than R500 000; and
  • You only received employment income/salary for the full year of assessment from one employer; and
  • You have no car allowance/company car/ travel allowance or other income (e.g. interest or rental income); and
  • You are not claiming tax related deductions/rebates (e.g. medical expenses, retirement annuity contributions other than pension contributions made by your employer, travel)