Upon opening an account, you'll initially have access to deposit, withdraw and trade a selection of default cryptocurrencies. To add additional cryptos, simply activate their respective wallets on your Wallet Balances page.

When you first open an account with us, you'll have access to deposit, withdraw and trade a selection of default cryptocurrencies. To expand your options and gain access to additional cryptos you first need to activate the respective wallets on your Wallet Balances page.

See the below step-by-step process:

1. Click on Wallets and then navigate to your Wallet Balances page

Wallet Balances

2. Now either scroll down to locate the crypto-asset you wish to open a Wallet for under Available Wallets or Search for the crypto-asset in question within the Search Assets bar

Wallet Balances Open New

3. Once you have found the crypto-asset in question - then click on the <Create Wallet> button

Create Wallet

4. Now confirm the action

Create Wallet Confirm

5. And there you have it! You have successfully opened up a new Wallet. Now you can trade + make deposits & withdrawals for this crypto-asset!

Create Wallet Success